Sunday, July 1, 2012

Faith of My Fathers

     I was raised a Freewill Baptist. Now, there are several types of Baptist, each with their own unique variations of belief, but the distinctive belief of the Freewill Baptist is that one can fall from a state of Grace. They do not refer to it as such, instead they define it as losing salvation, backsliding, and a number of other terms. I had a lovely talk with my grandmother about the faith of my childhood, and so I would like to list several of the reasons that I am thankful for the religious upbringing that I had.

1.) An Emphasis on Faith
    Faith was always an important part of my life growing up. I heard many sermons on trusting in God and how important it was to know that no matter what happened in my life that God was working it for a better purpose. This is hard to see in the moment of anguish, but once you are on higher ground and can see the road behind you it really does make sense. 

2.) An Emphasis on the Importance of Scripture

      Baptists love the Bible, this is a fact that few could contest. They love the scriptures, and have a desire to know as much about it as possible. This heritage of love for the Word of God was thankfully passed on to me, and few things thrill me more than making connections between scripture and the liturgy, or seeing how various passages have been interpreted through the generations. The Bible is part of Divine revelation, and Catholics could learn a thing or two from our Baptist brothers and sisters when it comes to appreciation of it.

3.) An Emphasis on Community

     I have many, many wonderful memories of growing up as a Baptist. Some of the most cherished memories are those of the homecomings that were held at my grandmothers church. We would get dressed up in our Sunday best, go listen to a sermon, and then visit and share a meal with our family and friends. You will be hard pressed to find a better cook than a Baptist grandmother, and I was blessed with two of them, and a great grandmother who put both of them to shame in the kitchen. This community was beautiful. The people cared for each other and you could see it in their eyes, their smiles, and their casseroles.

4.) An Appreciation for Beautiful Music

     One of the things that I miss the most about the faith of my youth is the music. Certainly there are grand, and magnificent compositions that exist in the Church, and some of the most achingly beautiful music exists in the Catholic tradition, but there will always be a place in my heart for the hymns of my childhood. Just yesterday as I was sitting in the nave before Mass began, I heard the familiar notes of "Take my Hand Precious Lord." Instantly I was reminded of all the songs that were as close to me as family members. "There is Power in the Blood" "How Great Though Art" "In the Garden" "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" and so many others. I still listen to them when I'm feeling nostalgic about the past. I'll include links to all of these songs so you can hear what I'm talking about.

5.) A Passionate Love for Jesus

     I learned about Jesus from my parents, from my Sunday School teachers, from preachers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Everyone I knew as a child loved Jesus, and they passed this love on to me. In times of darkness, and despair when it seems like it would just be easier to give up, I remember him. To give up would be to turn my back on Jesus, and that's something that I can't even consider. This love still exists in my family, and it still unites us. Even though there may be differences, we are still one in our love of Christ.

     I hope this column, inadequate though it may be, gives you an idea of just how grateful I am for the faith that was given to me. I would be nothing if not for the love of my family, and the values that they instilled in me as a child, and words can not express the gratitude I hold in my heart for those dear Baptists who loved me, and taught me.


Precious Lord Take My Hand

There's Power In The Blood 

How Great Thou Art 

In the Garden 

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

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