Friday, April 29, 2011

Subterranean End of Semester Blues.

           Ah, the end of the semester. Fears of alopecia have subsided, and I don't have to consider selling organs or bodily fluids to pay for gas anymore. The thing about this semester that stands out the most is just how fast it went. I'm hardly advanced in age, but I think the brevity of life is starting to become more apparent.

            I've had an image in my mind for some time now. In this image a child is running as fast as he can through an open field. He is completely engrossed in his running and nothing else matters to him, but the more he runs the further ahead he can see. It soon becomes clear that he is running toward a cliff, but he can't stop because of the momentum he has built up. The child is all of us, the field is life, and the cliff is the end of our lives.

          As children, we are desperate to be adults and so we run as fast as we can towards adulthood without any thoughts about the present and by the time we realize we need to slow down it's too late, we're already speeding toward the precipice. We all have a cliff that we must go over one day; nothing will stop it. However, we can change how fast we run to it.

          Take time out of your life to enjoy the small things. Have a glass of wine with your dinner, (white for me, tannins you know) listen to your favorite song over and over, play fetch with your dog, (or cat if you're a freak) but most of all, love. Love your family, love your friends, love the people who don't always seem very lovable, and I promise you that your little jog to the cliff will be a lot more fulfilling.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Humanism, and theism, and altruism. Oh my!

         I find it irritating that humanism and atheism are considered part and parcel with one another. I certainly believe in God, but I also believe in people. I don't think that believing in the basic goodness and dignity of man in any way precludes a belief in God. In fact I find that by seeing my fellow man as basically good I can see God as he is more clearly. The reason I say this is because man is made in the image of God, and if we see man as good then we can see God as good as well.

         Now God does not derive his goodness from man, quite the contrary, but if we can show goodness to others through our lives then they will be more willing to accept the goodness of God. It's like the kind old woman who brings you soup when you are sick, or the friend who calls to see if you are doing well. These types of God if you will, make him present in our lives and so we, through our fellow man, see God. This is my point. God's goodness is made present to the world through the goodness of others. And so if we treat others as rubbish or lesser then we do so to God. I suppose I'm being idealistic, but if people would just see the good in each other and realize beneath all the trappings of culture and religion we are the same.

        We are all made in the image of God and should treat each other as such. One of the things that strikes me most is the command that Jesus  gave to his Apostles "Love one another." He didn't say love the ones who think like you, he didn't say love the ones who pay for the new roof, he said "Love one another." That's a harder thing to do than it is to say. He did it, but he did a few other things people have had a bit of difficulty replicating, but we can try. The only thing is, so few people try. It's a bit discouraging really, but maybe one day we'll get to the point where we can see the good in each other instead of only seeing faults. I hope I live to see it, but I can say this; as long as I live I'm going to do all I can to make the world a better place, one interaction at a time.

Feeding my narcissism.

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome. Being a self consumed Communications major, I thought it only appropriate to begin blogging so that the world could share in my splendor. Seriously though, I hope to use this to focus my skills and become a more effective communicator and if I make you smile, chuckle or think a little bit then I will consider it a rousing success.